How it Works

Contact us

Fill out a form and tell us about the property. It’s quick, easy and Free!

Set up an Appointment

If your property meets our criteria, we will set up an appointment to view your property

Fair Offer Provided

We will present you with a fair written, no obligation offer for your home

Money in the Bank

We work with a reputable title company and close as quickly as 15 days

Benefits for selling to FlipaHaus:

Selling with Agent Selling to FlipaHaus
Commissions 5% on average paid by seller None
Closing Cost 2% on average paid by seller None
Inspection & Financing Contingency You will need both. Up to 15% of sales fall through because of either None
Appraisal Needed Yes, the final sale is subject to appraisal None – We buy as is
Days on the Market Can be up to 90 days Cash offer on the spot
Closing Date Variable time As quickly as 15 days or sooner
Who pays for repairs Negotiated during inspection We pay for all repairs